Hello students and parents!
All seventh and eighth grade students are receiving planners today (1-4-16). It is our hope that having a planner will help students be and stay better organized. Students are to have their planners with them for each class they attend and we will be checking planners daily during advisory/intervention period. Please make it part of your routine to check your child's planner with them on a daily basis to help keep him/her on track!
- Ray School
- CPS Daily Health Screener
- ASPEN-Student and Parent portal
- Open-Up math curriculum
- Ms. Nieto-School Counselor and H.S. application support!
- Mx. Kelley-DHH
- Ms. Johnson-Finner-ELA
- Mr. Florell-DL
- Mr. Paranjape: Academic Enrichment
- Ms. Lauritsen-Art
- Ms. Havnoonian-Social Studies
- Mr. Dowd-Science
- Senorita Dent-Spanish
- Ms. Walker-Music
- Ms. Jerris-PE
- CCSS- Basically the outline of what we learn each year in math class
- Math Practice Standards
- Sir Ken Robinson-Changing Education Paradigms
- Hip hop, grit, and academic success: Dr. Bettina Love
- To This Day
- Khan Academy