7th Grade:
After you have completed the Unit Conversion Worksheet:
1. Watch this Khan Academy video and take notes. Feel free to pause it, solve it, then watch the video.
2. Play the Flight Game. Take note of the Distance and Total money earned. Then find the rate and unit rate of Distance per Total Money.
3. Finish Homework and Study for Quiz tomorrow!
- Ray School
- CPS Daily Health Screener
- ASPEN-Student and Parent portal
- Open-Up math curriculum
- Ms. Nieto-School Counselor and H.S. application support!
- Mx. Kelley-DHH
- Ms. Johnson-Finner-ELA
- Mr. Florell-DL
- Mr. Paranjape: Academic Enrichment
- Ms. Lauritsen-Art
- Ms. Havnoonian-Social Studies
- Mr. Dowd-Science
- Senorita Dent-Spanish
- Ms. Walker-Music
- Ms. Jerris-PE
- CCSS- Basically the outline of what we learn each year in math class
- Math Practice Standards
- Sir Ken Robinson-Changing Education Paradigms
- Hip hop, grit, and academic success: Dr. Bettina Love
- To This Day
- Khan Academy
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
7th Grade Quiz
The Quiz that was supposed to take place on Thursday is being moved to Friday (9-30-16)!
Monday, September 26, 2016
Homework for the week of 9-26-16
ALL: (DUE: 10-1-16) 6000 more math points earned on Khan Academy between 9-26-16 and the end of the day on 10-1-16!
Algebra: (Due: 9-30-16) Handout-- Matching Graphs and Simplifying Expressions
8th Grade: (Due: 9-30-16) Product/Quotient Rule Worksheet #1-17,#21-29.
7th Grade: (Due: 9-30-16)
Quiz over Unit Conversions/Unit Rate on Thursday
Extra Help: Metric Units, Customary Units, Unit Rates
Magazine Cut-out Activity
Group 1 - Find 3 food items from a magazine or food brochure. Find the unit rate (Dollars per Ounces) of each item. Choose which item is the best deal. Below is an example of what this activity should look like.
Group 2 - Find 3 food items from a magazine or food brochure. Find the unit rate (Dollars per Ounces) of each item. Write a word problem using these rates you found. Below is an example of what this activity should look like.
Algebra: (Due: 9-30-16) Handout-- Matching Graphs and Simplifying Expressions
8th Grade: (Due: 9-30-16) Product/Quotient Rule Worksheet #1-17,#21-29.
7th Grade: (Due: 9-30-16)
Quiz over Unit Conversions/Unit Rate on Thursday
Extra Help: Metric Units, Customary Units, Unit Rates
Magazine Cut-out Activity
Group 1 - Find 3 food items from a magazine or food brochure. Find the unit rate (Dollars per Ounces) of each item. Choose which item is the best deal. Below is an example of what this activity should look like.
Group 2 - Find 3 food items from a magazine or food brochure. Find the unit rate (Dollars per Ounces) of each item. Write a word problem using these rates you found. Below is an example of what this activity should look like.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Math Week 9-26-16
Here is what will be going on in the classroom this week...
1. 7th Graders will continue working on Proportional Reasoning. Students will understand how to convert between different units using the Customary and Metric system. Students should practice Unit Conversions on Khan Academy to work on fluency of identifying the conversion factor between units. Students should also continue to practice unit rates, rates and ratios on Khan Academy.
2. 8th Graders will start learning about exponents and the rules of exponents. Students will also be making a fold-able vocabulary organizer so they can keep all the different rules in one neat place. Students should practice exponents on Khan Academy to build on fluency in solving exponential numbers.
Here is what will be going on in the classroom this week...
1. 7th Graders will continue working on Proportional Reasoning. Students will understand how to convert between different units using the Customary and Metric system. Students should practice Unit Conversions on Khan Academy to work on fluency of identifying the conversion factor between units. Students should also continue to practice unit rates, rates and ratios on Khan Academy.
2. 8th Graders will start learning about exponents and the rules of exponents. Students will also be making a fold-able vocabulary organizer so they can keep all the different rules in one neat place. Students should practice exponents on Khan Academy to build on fluency in solving exponential numbers.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Dear parents and students,
We will again be offering drop-in tutoring for 7th and 8th grade mathematics class. UChicago tutors will be in room 304 from 3:45 to 4:45 on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays starting next week on Monday, September 26. Please email Mr. Albrecht (lalbrecht@cps.edu) or send a note with your child so we know they have permission to stay after school.
FAQ for 7th/8th Mathematics at RAY
1. What’s the deal with homework?
Students need to complete 5 assignments in Khan Academy each week. This should be done on a consistent basis. Taking a week off and doing 10 assignments will not count for the missed week. However, doing more than 5 assignments in a week means more learning opportunities! Mr. Albrecht is not checking to see if Khan is done after the due date. If you finish late, send him an email to let him know. Make sure to do all 5 if you are late, or you will only get partial credit for the Khan tasks you complete for the week (this is new as of 3-1-18). Anything later that week will not be considered for a grade per the Ray Student Handbook. All descriptions of homework assignments are sent home via Google Classroom and on my blog: http://304albrecht.blogspot.com/
2. What if students don’t have access to a computer on-line for Khan Academy and Google Classroom?
Khan Academy can be accessed on any smart phone. There is even an app for Khan. Otherwise students can come to room 304 any day during recess to earn points doing Khan Academy activities and lessons. We can also be available before school as needed. Students also have intervention time in school for getting homework completed.
3. How do I check my student’s grades?
All parents have access to CPS Parent Portal. There is a link at the top of my blog to go to the site. You need an PIN # from the office to access Parent Portal the first time-- after that it is just a standard log-in. Parent Portal will give text and email alerts about grades and attendance.
4. How can I find out how my child is doing socially?
All parents have been invited to join Class Dojo. Class Dojo provides feedback on student success as well as areas where a student needs to improve. It is also a quick and easy way to contact your student’s teachers and to see stories about the class. Ask your student’s homeroom teacher about a login code if you have not joined your child’s class already!
5. What can I do to make sure my student is successful in math class?
Actively checking in at the above sites will give you a clear picture of how well your child is doing at Ray. You will also have weekly updates about what we are studying and the scope and sequence of 7th and 8th grade mathematics. If you want further informations or support: email Mr. Albrecht lalbrecht@cps.edu for tutoring and enrichment ideas and opportunities.
Mr. Albrecht: lalbrecht@cps.edu
Blog: http://304albrecht.blogspot.com/ 7th Grade Khan Links for Class 9/23/16
Complete the following videos and activities on Khan Academy:
1. Solving Unit Rate Problems
2. Solving Unit Price Problems
3. Rate Problems (Show Mr. H or Mr. A your score on the activity)
4. Multiple Rates word Problem
5. Rate problems 2 (Show Mr. H or Mr. A your score on the activity)
Link to Videos: Rates and Unit Rates
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Sunday, September 18, 2016
ALL: (DUE: 9-24-16) 6000 more math points earned on Khan Academy between 9-18-16 and the end of the day on 9-24-16!
7th: (DUE: 9-23-16) Complete the K.I.M. Vocab Chart. Must fill out each row and column completely.
Vocab Words:
1. Unit
2. Ratio (part to part)
3. Ratio (part to whole)
4. Rate
5. Unit Rate
8th: (DUE: 9-21-16) Create a comic strips that define each of the following terms in words and pictures:
1. Irrational number
2. Rational number
Here's an example of using words and pictures:
Math Week 9-19-16
Hello all,
We have lots of announcements, so here goes...
1. OPEN HOUSE!! This coming Thursday (9-22-16) from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
2. Please make sure your student is signed up for Khan Academy-- link above-- and has added Mr. Albrecht as his/her coach. We have a graded goal of 6,000 points per week!
3. 7th graders will start a large unit on Proportional Reasoning: they will learn this week about ratios, rates, and unit rates. Students should practice operations with fractions on Khan Academy to build fluency for solving proportions tasks.
4. 8th graders will investigate the differences between rational and irrational numbers. Students will also learn about why a repeating decimal is rational and how to convert repeating decimals to fractions. Students should practice converting between decimals and fractions on Khan Academy to build fluency for solving tasks about rational and irrational numbers.
We have lots of announcements, so here goes...
1. OPEN HOUSE!! This coming Thursday (9-22-16) from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
2. Please make sure your student is signed up for Khan Academy-- link above-- and has added Mr. Albrecht as his/her coach. We have a graded goal of 6,000 points per week!
3. 7th graders will start a large unit on Proportional Reasoning: they will learn this week about ratios, rates, and unit rates. Students should practice operations with fractions on Khan Academy to build fluency for solving proportions tasks.
4. 8th graders will investigate the differences between rational and irrational numbers. Students will also learn about why a repeating decimal is rational and how to convert repeating decimals to fractions. Students should practice converting between decimals and fractions on Khan Academy to build fluency for solving tasks about rational and irrational numbers.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Homework Due 9-16-16
304-Parents and Students:
Student Handbook sign-off forms and Graduation Fees and Guidelines Sheet are due Friday(9/16).
ALL Students:
6000 more points in Khan Academy.
Student Handbook sign-off forms and Graduation Fees and Guidelines Sheet are due Friday(9/16).
ALL Students:
6000 more points in Khan Academy.
Reminder: Testing This Week
Students will be taking the NWEA test this week on Wednesday and Thursday during Math class.
Students will be taking the NWEA test this week on Wednesday and Thursday during Math class.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
ENews!! Sign-up to stay informed!
Dear Ray parents:
Want to have up-to-date information on after-school programs and school events? Sign up to receive the Ray ENews now by clicking here! Our weekly ENews e-mail is by far the best way to stay in touch with school happenings, get information about after-school programs, and about local and city-wide child friendly events. Also, don't forget to like us on Facebook!
Thank you very much!
Ray LSC Community Partnerships Committee
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Homework Due 9-9-16
Parents- Signup for Class Dojo, sign Graduation Requirments Form, and return Emergency Contact Form.
Students- Signup and into classroom for Khan Academy.
Parents- Signup for Class Dojo, sign Graduation Requirments Form, and return Emergency Contact Form.
Students- Signup and into classroom for Khan Academy.
Monday, September 5, 2016
Letter from the Student Teacher
Hi, my name is Nathaniel Haas and I will be working as a student teacher until mid-December in your child's classroom. I am working towards a degree in Middle Childhood Education with a license in Math and Science. This is the final part of my training as a teacher. I have also had many other in class experiences with 4th, 5th and 6th graders, as well as working over the summer at a childcare center for grades 1st through 4th. I'm looking forward to this unique learning opportunity in your child's classroom.
Nathaniel Haas
*Notice: This is the correct email despite the spelling differences in my name.
*Notice: This is the correct email despite the spelling differences in my name.
Friday, September 2, 2016
Welcome to
the 2016-2017 school year at Ray Elementary.
On behalf of
the middle school team at Ray School, welcome back to school! We hope everyone had
an excellent and relaxing summer. We are looking forward to a school year
filled with a continued love for learning and growth. We look forward to
meeting you and working with you in building your child’s education. Parental support will be necessary in order
for all students to reach their potential and strive to succeed beyond it.
are looking forward to a very successful and exciting year and we know you are
too. We have high academic and social expectations for your child and will do
all that we can to help your child achieve those expectations. It is our goal to provide all students with
an educationally challenging, yet fun, experience in our classrooms.
Below you
will find some needed information about some of the classroom policies.
Please let
your child know that homework is important.
Homework will be assigned daily.
Homework assignments reinforce concepts learned in class and are used to
assess the student’s understanding of those concepts. Incomplete and missing assignments will
result in grade reduction. Homework
should always be completed neatly and on time.
In addition, long-term projects will
be introduced and worked on in class and at home. Due dates will be fair and
strictly enforced.
Only your
child’s best behavior and work are expected and accepted at all times.
All students
1) Be on their honor. Students must do their own work on homework,
class assignments, tests
and projects.
2) Respect themselves, classmates, and teachers.
3) Persevere. Always give 100% and be positive.
4) Be in attendance and be on time.
5) Students shall not engage in activities that
could cause harm to themselves or others.
6) Students should respect themselves, peers,
and their teachers. They shall not talk
to or
about themselves, another student, or a
teacher in a disrespectful or inappropriate manner.
7) Students are to have all homework completed
on the day it is due.
8) Students must be prepared each day by having
proper materials.
9) Students should dress in a respectable manner
and follow the Ray Parent and Student Handbook.
10) The
policies in the Student Code of Conduct book must also be followed.
Current grades are posted regularly for student and parent viewing. Use CPS Parent Portal to view student grades and attendance. Our
classroom blogs include many of the assignments, assignment due dates, and a
variety of other helpful information.
you for your commitment to your child's education and we look forward to seeing
you in the very near future.
Middle School Team
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