7th/8th: All students will be learning about data displays. We will look at how data is displayed and why we display it the way we do. We are having Data Week to get ready for Science Fair--knowing students will need to display and interpret data for their projects. Specifically this week, we will focus on three topics: misleading graphs, circle (pie) graphs, and scatter plots. Lots of helpful links and videos below. Types of graphs from Skills You NEED: http://www.skillsyouneed.com/num/graphs-charts.html
ALL: (DUE: 12-3-16) 6000 more math points earned on Khan Academy between 11-27-16 and the end of the day on 12-3-16!
7th/8th:(Due 12-2-16) Handout--Survey Your Classmates about their pets. (Also Bonus!-- find a misleading graph in the media! Hand in a misleading graph you found in the media with a description of how and why it is misleading for 20 extra credit points!)
The UChicago drop-in tutoring program for middle school math that runs from 3:45 to 4:45 will have its last day for this calendar year on Monday, December 5, 2016. The UChicago students will be on break. They will return in January and tutoring will resume on a date TBA.
This is a short week. With the Thanksgiving Holiday, students will only be in school Monday and Tuesday. 7th graders will finish our thinking and learning on scale factor with tasks about how we use scale factor to understand and use maps. 8th graders will practice with translating real-world tasks into equations. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving Holiday!
ALL: NO KHAN OVER THANKSGIVING!! Have a safe and happy holiday!
7th:(Due 11-28-16)
PROJECT: Create a Scale Model
You should build a model, draw a map, or create a blueprint of something you are interested in. Make a model of a building you think is cool. Create a diorama of a scene from a book or movie you enjoy. Make a map the neighborhood, or your walk to school. Create a blueprint of your bedroom. Use grid paper, legos, or whatever creative idea you choose. EXAMPLES ON MR. A’s BLOG.
You will need to determine and show the scale factor between the actual thing you model and the model you create and demonstrate an understanding through a written description of how you determined the size of objects or drawings in your model based on the actual thing you are modelling.
Please talk to Mr. A before Thursday if you do not understand any part of this project!
Design and Construction
Design and
are incomplete.
Scale model
evidence of
Scale Model
shows evidence
of careful
craftsmanship to
Scale Model shows evidence of
very careful craftsmanship and
the design is to scale and
Scale Understanding
Does not know
how to find scale to construct a model.
Knows how to find scale of a model but is unable to
put it to use.
Knows how to find scale of a model and
puts it to use.
Knows how to find scale of a model and
puts it to use. Describes the process of finding scale to construct the model.
Video Help:
8th: None! Alg: 7th graders need to complete the scale model project above. 8th grade students will do handout: Make a Box-and-Whisker Plot
7th: Students continue to use similar figures and proportionality to find indirect measures. We also learn how to use the idea of similar figures to find scale factor. The students will then apply an understanding of scale factor to create scale drawing and models. Video help from Virtual Nerd here. 8th: Students use the idea of a balance to solve linear equation in one variable. Solid resource to develop student thinking around this idea is here.
ALL: (DUE: 11-19-16) 6000 more math points earned on Khan Academy between 11-13-16 and the end of the day on 11-19-16!
7th:(Due 11-28-16)
PROJECT: Create a Scale Model
You should build a model, draw a map, or create a blueprint of something you are interested in. Make a model of a building you think is cool. Create a diorama of a scene from a book or movie you enjoy. Make a map the neighborhood, or your walk to school. Create a blueprint of your bedroom. Use grid paper, legos, or whatever creative idea you choose. EXAMPLES ON MR. A’s BLOG.
You will need to determine and show the scale factor between the actual thing you model and the model you create and demonstrate an understanding through a written description of how you determined the size of objects or drawings in your model based on the actual thing you are modelling.
Please talk to Mr. A before Thursday if you do not understand any part of this project!
Design and Construction
Design and
are incomplete.
Scale model
evidence of
Scale Model
shows evidence
of careful
craftsmanship to
Scale Model shows evidence of
very careful craftsmanship and
the design is to scale and
Scale Understanding
Does not know
how to find scale to construct a model.
Knows how to find scale of a model but is unable to
put it to use.
Knows how to find scale of a model and
puts it to use.
Knows how to find scale of a model and
puts it to use. Describes the process of finding scale to construct the model.
Video Help:
8th: (Due 11-18-16)-- Handout: Scale Problems (balancing equations) Alg: See Mr. Papczun for homework
Hello all! No school for students on Wednesday this week. Seventh and eighth grade teachers will meet with parents in the cafeteria from 11:45 to 6:00.
7th: This week we continue to use proportional thinking and reasoning by applying it to similar figures. We will define the vocabulary of similar figures and then use the vocabulary and similar relationships to solve tasks. We will end this week indirectly measuring the height of the big cottonwood tree in Ray's east field! Video help: check this link from the Virtual Nerd! LINK! 8th: We will continue with another building block for students to learn about the language of algebra and how we use that language to understand the world through relationships and patterns. We specifically focus on the distributive property. Over the next few months we will continue to learn how these blocks and others like them come together as a mathematics literacy that helps us make meaning of our world.