Maroon Tutor Match will continue to provide a free tutoring space through their partnership with the University Church (5655 S. University Ave) on Wednesdays and Thursdays fro 4-6pm. Tutors will be in the University Church Library (next to Fabiana’s Café). Students will be able to receive tutoring support for one hour per day. Maroon Match Spaces work on a drop-in, first come/first served basis. For more information email:
- Ray School
- CPS Daily Health Screener
- ASPEN-Student and Parent portal
- Open-Up math curriculum
- Ms. Nieto-School Counselor and H.S. application support!
- Mx. Kelley-DHH
- Ms. Johnson-Finner-ELA
- Mr. Florell-DL
- Mr. Paranjape: Academic Enrichment
- Ms. Lauritsen-Art
- Ms. Havnoonian-Social Studies
- Mr. Dowd-Science
- Senorita Dent-Spanish
- Ms. Walker-Music
- Ms. Jerris-PE
- CCSS- Basically the outline of what we learn each year in math class
- Math Practice Standards
- Sir Ken Robinson-Changing Education Paradigms
- Hip hop, grit, and academic success: Dr. Bettina Love
- To This Day
- Khan Academy