1. OPEN HOUSE-- This Thursday, 9-14-17 from 4 to 6 p.m. The first hour is for parents and students to visit classrooms and talk with teachers. The second hour will be a state-of-the-school meeting with administration.
2. STUDENT TOWN HALL MEETINGS-- All students will meet with administrators for the first 15 minutes of the day on Mondays and Fridays. (8:45 to 9:00) These meeting give administrators a chance to make whole school announcements and reminders as well as hear from students about their Ray experience. The time also gives teachers contractual extra time for planning, collaborating, and prepping for classes.
- Ray School
- CPS Daily Health Screener
- ASPEN-Student and Parent portal
- Open-Up math curriculum
- Ms. Nieto-School Counselor and H.S. application support!
- Mx. Kelley-DHH
- Ms. Johnson-Finner-ELA
- Mr. Florell-DL
- Mr. Paranjape: Academic Enrichment
- Ms. Lauritsen-Art
- Ms. Havnoonian-Social Studies
- Mr. Dowd-Science
- Senorita Dent-Spanish
- Ms. Walker-Music
- Ms. Jerris-PE
- CCSS- Basically the outline of what we learn each year in math class
- Math Practice Standards
- Sir Ken Robinson-Changing Education Paradigms
- Hip hop, grit, and academic success: Dr. Bettina Love
- To This Day
- Khan Academy