Week 12 (11-23-20) (Q2W3)
Ray Mathematics--Remote Leaning
Mr. Albrecht (lalbrecht@cps.edu)
Ms. Welber (sjwelber@cps.edu)
Weekly Updates
Thanksgiving Break-- No school Wednesday 11-25-20 through Friday 11-27-20. We wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Reminder--Monday 11-23-20 is College Gear day and Tuesday 11-24-20 is Cozy Blanket Day.
Attendance Incentive Movie-- Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. is PJ and Popcorn movie for students who have had perfect attendance for the month of November so far! Look for an invite from our dean Ms. Perry.
8th Grade Promotion Policy Reminder--LINK
Thank you to all families who attended Quarter 1 Conferences last week!
7/8th specials for the next 3 weeks are with our visual arts teacher Ms. Lauritsen Students will continue with the same schedule they have (every homeroom coming a different day during the week). From Ms. Lauritsen:
I will see each class once a week from 1:10 - 1:40. Class schedule,codes and links are below.
Monday: Ms.Havnoonian 302
8th grade 302: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTM4ODk2Mzg4MDk1?cjc=4a3d3u7
Tuesday: Mr. Albrecht 304
8th Grade 304 https://classroom.google.com/c/MTM4ODk1NzcyNDAy?cjc=62juzpp
Wednesday: Mr. Paranjape 306
8th Grade 306 https://classroom.google.com/c/MTM4ODk2ODEwMDE5?cjc=bkoqana
Thursday: Mrs. Johnson-Finner 307
7th Grade 307 https://classroom.google.com/c/MTM4ODk1NDE1NDI5?cjc=qrdizu3
Friday: Mr. Dowd 309
7th Grade 309 https://classroom.google.com/c/MTM4OTExOTg0NjIy?cjc=scadkao
Every Monday morning I will send out a video to the students and their guardians about the project or assessment of the week. Students will be graded on participation (showing up to class), three projects, and two assessments.
Ray is a Grab and Go meal site during Remote Learning. Pick-ups are school days from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Students are reminded to practice Pandemic Safety Habits. There was a surge in the COVID 19 cases in Illinois in the last week.
School Forms were due By October 15. PLEASE TURN IN ASAP! They can be turned in electronically to Ms. Vergara, svergara@cps.edu or to the school at the main entrance. Copies are available there.
Our main focus is still connecting with students, getting to know each other, and learning how to use the technology that will facilitate our learning. We know there will still be challenges, glitches, and frustrations this week. That’s okay! We will be forgiving, patient, and flexible and hope you will do the same. For immediate tech help try the CPS Online Reopening Guide support page.
7th grade will be making graphs of proportional relationships.
7.RP.A.2Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities.
7.RP.A.2.aDecide whether two quantities are in a proportional relationship, e.g., by testing for equivalent ratios in a table or graphing on a coordinate plane and observing whether the graph is a straight line through the origin.
8th grade Students determine similar figures using understanding of angle relationships and dilation. Performance Task Monday!
8.G.AUnderstand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.
8.G.A.3 Describe the effect of dilations, translations, rotations, and reflections on two-dimensional figures using coordinates.
8.G.A.4Understand that a two-dimensional figure is similar to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, translations, and dilations; given two similar two-dimensional figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the similarity between them.
Students will continue to use Khan Academy for individual/asynchronous learning.
Invitations went out several weeks ago to families of students who qualify based on their passed grades, test scores, and work ethic. Mr. Albrecht holds the class Monday-Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 4:20 p.m. Please email Mr. Albrecht if you have questions.
Help Ms. Welber: Recording Permission Form
As you know, Ms. Welber is co-teaching our class for the first half of this year. As part of Ms. Welber’s student teaching, she will need to record some lessons, either to share with her professors, or to submit to the state board for certification. In order to do that, we need permission from the parents/guardians of every student in the class. Please fill out this form: English Spanish to tell us if you give your permission or not. There is more information on the form as well about the recordings. This is the same form that Mrs. Johnson-Finner will send out for Mr. Watkins in her class, so you only need to fill it out once. If you already filled it out for Mrs. Johnson-Finner, you are all set!
Student Daily Schedule by Homeroom:
All classes meet using Google Meet. Links to join class are in the top left hand corner of each class’ Google Classroom. Video Help for accessing Google Meet through Google Classroom (start at 2:44).To get access to Google Classroom and Google Meet use your CPS email. Go Here if you need help getting into your CPS email.
Homeroom teachers are listed by the homeroom numbers.
Math Class Information
STUDENT EMAIL: Students and families must be able to access their student’s email. Need help or logging in for the first time: Go Here. The student CPS email is the access to Google Classroom for assignments and information, to Google Meet to attend class remotely, and to Aspen Student Portal for grades.
Weekly Individual/Asynchronous Assignments: NO KHAN FOR WEEK 12 THANKSGIVING BREAK. 5 assignments in Khan Academy. Due each Friday by 11:59 p.m. Check Google Classroom this and for other weekly assignments.
Google Classroom Links: Currently Google Classrooms are being pushed out to students through the CPS Aspen system. Students and families can use the student’s CPS email to access their Google Classrooms.
Curriculum and unit overviews: Open-Up-- This is the launch page. Choose your role as parent and 7th or 8th grade to see an overview of every unit and lesson for the whole year.
Grades: Starting September 8, 2020 CPS will return to regular grading practices, as the district will ensure all students have the tools they need to succeed. Grading scale.
Office Hours: School days from 2:10 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. We will use this time to connect with students and families. We will have scheduled appointments as well as open times. We will use Google JamBoard and Google Hangouts Chat for one-on-one meetings. We will also schedule some small group sessions and meet using Google Meet. We are also available to talk with parents via email, Google Meet, or a telephone conversation. Please contact Mr. Albrecht at lalbrecht@cps.edu to schedule a conference time.
Communication platforms with students: Google Classroom, CPS email, Google Meet (whole class), Google Chat, and Google JamBoard.
Communication platforms with parents/families: email, blog, telephone. We recommend that parents/families know the emails and passwords of their students so they can also access Google Classroom.
Tutoring: We recommend Maroon Tutor Match
Ray Mathematics FAQ: Want to know a little bit more about mathematics class at Ray. Check the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Every Chicago Public Schools student in every neighborhood
will be engaged in a rigorous, well-rounded program and will
graduate prepared for success in college, career and life.
The mission of Ray School is to provide a rich academic
experience for our culturally, racially, and socio-economically
diverse student body. Teachers and staff work collaboratively with parents to instill in our students a life-
long love of learning.