Saturday, October 29, 2016

Math Week 10-31-16

7th grade: We continue to think about percents as a special proportional relationship. We have recently spent time talking about how people really like using percent to determine how much money will be saved or earned or charged. This week we spend looking at the idea of percent change. When people talk about increases and decreases we like to talk about them in terms of percent of increase or decrease-- in effect, telling how much a given measurable situation has proportionally changed.

Video help:

8th grade: We spent last week on the concept of slope as rate of change. This is a building block for students to learn about the language of algebra and how we use that language to understand the world through relationships and patterns. This week we begin to study the symbolic language of expressions and equations as way to describe those relationships and patterns. We specifically focus on the concept of "like terms". Over the next few months we will continue to learn how these blocks and others like them come together as a mathematics literacy that helps us make meaning of our world.