Sunday, September 29, 2019


1. PTO will hold International Night on Wednesday, October 16. You can sign up to host a table showcasing a country you are from or just know a lot about, contribute a dish to the potluck, or just volunteer to help plan by contacting Marcy Juarez at

2. PICTURE DAY IS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8. I sent order forms home last week. I still have a few extra hard copies in class if students need them. Online orders can be made through Van Gogh photograph at

3. PROGRESS REPORTS: 1st Quarter progress reports go home Friday, October 4.

1. Please pay your student fees of $85. These funds are used to buy technology, copy paper, art supplies, books, field trips, etc! EPay site click here.
2. Family Income Forms. The deadline was moved from December 1st to October 15th and we need these forms...they mean funds from the state! PDF COPY HERE!

MATH WEEK 9-30-19
7th: We continue to study scale copies and scale factor. We will make scale drawing this week and look at how to use a scale drawing to find actual lengths.
8th: We continue looking at transformations--the math of movement. This week we use grids to translate, reflect, and rotate. Lots of computer added graphing and drawing with Geogebra! We also will take the BOY REACH Performance task on Thursday.

Homework for week 9-30-19 (Due 10-4-19)

7th grade

8th grade

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Math week 9-23-19

Hello all,

I started adding grades to Aspen. Please be checking Student and Parent portals.

PTO meeting this week on Tuesday 9-24-19 at 5 p.m.

Ray Family Night Wednesday 9-25-19 starting at 4 p.m.

7th grade continues a unit on scale drawings.

8th grade continues a unit on transformations--the mathematics of movement.

Homework for week 9-23-19 (due 9-27-19)

7th grade

8th grade

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

PTO Meeting

Grading Scale

As I get grades entered this week and also start sending assignments back to students, I thought this would be a good time to share my grading scale and general rubric.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


I sent order forms home last week. I still have a few extra hard copies in class if students need them. Online orders can be made through Van Gogh photograph at

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Math Week 9-16-19

Hello all,

It looks as if I will have full access to all 7th and 8th grade students in the new gradebook system Aspen as of 9-16-19. I will start adding grades as soon as possible. I will also work this week to make sure all students have access to their CPS email, math Google classrooms, and Khan Academy.

We plan on giving our beginning-of-year(BOY) NWEA math and ELA tests this week on Tuesday and Wednesday.

7th grade will begin a unit on scale drawings.

8th grade will begin a unit on transformations--the mathematics of movement.

Homework for week 9-16-19 (Due 9-20-19)

7th Grade

8th Grade

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Math Week for 9-9-19

ALL: Thanks to all parents who sent in classroom supplies. All the paper towels, tissue, paper, etc is super helpful!

ALL: OPEN HOUSE is this Thursday 9-12-19 from 4-5 p.m. in my room. Then 5-6 p.m. to explore the rest of the school!

7th: We will continue to work on building classroom community. Students need to work together to learn!. We will do a task involving permutations and then start our first unit on scale drawings.

8th: We will continue to work on building classroom community. Students need to work together to learn!. We will do a task involving permutations and then start our first unit on transformations.

Curriculum Map for 7th and 8th grade mathematics

Homework for the week 9-9-19 (Due 9-13-19)

7th Grade: I have set up Khan Academy for students to do homework. Details about homework expectations are in the homework link and in this FAQ. Most students who have their Khan tied to their CPS email are already added with me as their coach for this year. I will give any student not connected time in class on Tuesday to create Khan accounts and/or add me as their coach.

8th Grade:I have set up Khan Academy for students to do homework. Details about homework expectations are in the homework link and in this FAQ. Most students who have their Khan tied to their CPS email are already added with me as their coach for this year. I will give any student not connected time in class on Tuesday to create Khan accounts and/or add me as their coach

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Homework for week 9-3-19

304: Students will be bringing home the Emergency Contact Form and the Student Health & School Forms Booklet on Thursday. Please fill out the Emergency Contact Form and the "All Parents Must Complete" forms from the packet, sign, and return to Mr. Albrecht.

DUE by 9-9-19.

Emergency Form

Letter from our adminstators

304 7th grade Homeroom Schedule as of 9-4-19

I will update if changes occur.

304 7th grade Homeroom Schedule

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Math Week 9-3-19

Hello all,

As we get homerooms organized, I will be spending this week on routines and procedures. Students will learn how to set up math notebooks, log-in to CPS email and Google classrooms, help establish classroom expectations/consequences, and practice being a community of learners. I hope to start math content homework next week on Khan Academy. I am excited to meet so many new students and parents/guardians. I am looking forward to a great year!

--Mr. Albrecht