Sunday, March 5, 2017

Math Week 3-6-17

Hello all!

First off, this week the 7th and 8th graders at Ray continue our partnership with The Revival (Hyde Parks' improv theater). Through a generous grant that Ray won from Ingenuity, we are doing an arts integration project where we are combining the process and practice of theater/improv with the mathematical practice standards. We are focused learning objectives that have students master ensemble and "yes and..." thinking. Jeff Gandy from The Revival will be co-teaching with me Mondays and Wednesdays (except this Wednesday--see below!) for the next 7 weeks.

Second, I am continuing weekly Khan connection by giving topic students should consider for the weekly 6000 points on Khan. These topics will help the students with the content we are studying this week. Use the following search terms to find out what content we are studying this week.

Khan for 7th
Surface Area
Volume of triangular prism and cube
Volume of a Cylinder

Khan for 8th
Intro to Geometric Transformations
Practice translations
Practice reflect shapes

Third, this week will take the state PARCC test. Students will take PARCC tests in the morning on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday this week. They will take two tests each day, one ELA and one math.