Sunday, April 7, 2019

Math Week 4-8-19

ALL: No School for students on Wednesday, April 10--Parent/Teacher Conferences. Contact Mr. Albrecht ( if you want to sign up for a conference--see available times.

7th UChicago: Probability! The way math lets us predict the future! We continue looking at compound events and the differences between independent and dependent events.

7th Loyola: We continue a unit on real world applications of area, surface, and volume of composite shapes made from circles, polygons, and their related 3D forms. We will finish our unit final project.

8th DePaul: We continue a geometry unit. This week we focus on the vocabulary of shapes and their parts, as well as, surface area and volume. Practice using the concept of volume to solve real-world tasks. Also-- reviewing multiplication.

8th UIC: Linear system word problems. Elimination. Practice, practice, practice.