Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Ray Middle School 2019 ABC Countdown

A- Athletic Day -Wear your favorite sports attire
B- Brand Day - Wear your favorite brand of clothing to school i.e Adidas, Jordan, Nike)
C- Character Day -Come to school as your favorite fictional character i.e movie character , book character etc.
D- Dance - @ 3:20PM dance to your favorite songs
E- Exercise Day -Exercise Day at 9am and 3PM school wide 5 minute exercises
F- Friends Day -Do something special for a friend
G- Game Day -Bring and play your favorite board game at 3:15PM
H- Hawaiian Day -Wear Flower Hawaiian Clothes
I- Identical Day  -Dress identical to Another Person
J- Joke Day - Students-Tell a joke in class
K- Kandy Day (Bring any (K)andy you want to school
L- Lunch with a Teacher/Staff Member Day
M- Music Day -Music can be played in your classroom at 3:20PM
N- Name exchange Day -Everyone switch names with a person from Ray
O- Opposite Day-(Dress or do something that is the opposite of what you’d usually do
P- Pajama Day -Wear school appropriate pajamas
Q- Quiet Day - Everyone has to be quiet every class except lunch and recess  
R- Rock with you Day - Listen to Motown based music
S- School Spirit Day – Awards given per floor for the most creative display
T- Throw Day - Dress like someone from the past
U- Unforgettable Day
V- Visit Day
W- Watch movies Day (watch movies in class)
X- eXtra - Extra Fun Day
Y- Year End Cleaning and Celebration Day
Z- Zoom out of school day