Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Supply List for 7th and 8th graders entering Ray for the 2019/2020 school year

3″ Binder with at least 5 dividers
Loose leaf paper
6 composition notebooks
2 spiral notebooks for math class
Pens: blue or black -- enough to last a whole school year
#2 pencils-- enough to last a whole school year
Enclosed pencil sharpener
Colored pencils (at least pack of 8)
Highlighters (2 different colors)
Glue stick
12" Ruler (with inches and centimeters)
Pocket folders with 3 holes to keep in binder (6)
1 roll of paper towel
1 box of Kleenex
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 pack of 3″ x 5″ lined index cards
1 pack of graph paper
1 pack post-it notes
1 ream of copy paper

Safety goggles for science class