Saturday, October 29, 2016

Homework Update!

ALL: (DUE: 11-5-16) 6000 more math points earned on Khan Academy between 10-30-16 and the end of the day on 11-5-16!

7th:(Due 11-3-16) 
Find something that you can quantify in your daily life. Measure or count your chosen thing on Monday or Tuesday. Measure or count the chosen thing again on Wednesday. Determine the percent change between the first day you measure and the second day you measure. Examples of things to count:
  • How many people at your lunch table brought their lunch?
  • How many cars are parked on your block when you get home from school?
  • How many political commercials did you see on TV?
  • How cold is it when you leave for school?
  • Literally, anything that can be counted or measured?

8th: (Due 11-3-16) 
Create a new foldable (definition and example please) or the math vocabulary listed below:

1. Expression
2. Equation
3. Coefficient
4. Term
5. Like terms

Alg: Check with Mr. Papczun