Friday, May 1, 2020

CPS 4th Quarter Grading Policy announced!

Updates on grading, graduation requirements, and promotion policy

Dear CPS Families, 

On April 17, Governor Pritzker announced that in-person instruction would be suspended for all Illinois schools through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. This was difficult news to hear, but we support the Governor’s decision to protect the health and safety of all Illinoisans.

While in-person instruction has ended for the year, remote learning is in full swing, and our teachers are doing their best to provide your children with the same high-quality instruction they had in the classroom. Today, we are writing to update you on how your child will be graded in the fourth quarter, as well as the recommendations we will be making to the Board of Education regarding graduation and promotion to the next grade level. We hope this information will help you keep your child engaged through the final two months of school while providing flexibility during this challenging time. 

Grading and Promotion for Elementary Students
We recognize the challenges our students and families are facing due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, and we are recommending the Board of Education approve a modification to the  promotion policy that will advance all elementary students to the next grade level in the fall. While student work will be graded to allow them to improve or maintain their third quarter grades, no student will receive a fourth quarter grade that falls below their third quarter grade. To ensure students are rewarded for their hard work while also providing flexibility, students will receive either a letter grade, Pass, or Incomplete based on the following criteria:

Quarter 4 (Q4) Transcript Grade
Letter Grade
  • Achieved a Q4 grade that met or exceeded student’s Q3 grade
Pass (P)
GPA is not impacted. 
  • Participated in digital instruction and earned a Q4 grade below Q3 grade
  • No access to digital instruction but completed printed work packets
Incomplete (/)
GPA is not impacted. Student is prioritized for Summer School if it is determined that Summer School can be held this year.
  • No access to digital instruction and did not complete printed work packets or engage with teacher
  • Had access to digital instruction and earned an F in Q4 
GPAs, Promotion, and Graduation for High School Students
High schools will use a modified semester-based grading system that will provide students the opportunity to improve their GPA, which is important for students who are pursuing a postsecondary education. The grading system will also protect the academic standing of students who earn a lower grade in the fourth quarter. The district’s revised grading system will now allow students to improve their semester grade in order to earn a letter grade. At the high school level, students will receive either a letter grade, Pass, or Incomplete based on the following criteria:
Semester 2 (S2) Transcript Grade
Letter Grade
  • Achieved a cumulative S2 grade that met or exceeded student’s Q3 grade
Pass (P)
GPA is not impacted. Student earns credit.
  • Participated in digital instruction and earned a cumulative S2 passing grade below Q3 grade
  • No access to digital instruction but completed printed work packets
Incomplete (/)
GPA is not impacted. Student does not earn credit and is offered the opportunity to engage in credit recovery to meet graduation requirements.
  • No access to digital instruction and did not complete printed work packets or engage with teacher
  • Had access to digital instruction and earned a cumulative F in S2
The district will also recommend that the Board waive the following non-credit bearing graduation requirements for this year’s seniors: Service Learning, State-mandated Assessment (SAT/DLM-AA), Constitution Test, Financial Literacy, and Computer Science. 
For a full overview of our grading, promotion, and graduation requirements, please view our detailed grading guidance for parents.
Engaging Students and Families and Ensuring a Strong Finish to the Year
Keeping students engaged and instilling a sense of normalcy are critical to their health and wellness and ensures students can continue making academic progress. We’ve developed a protocol to help schools track student engagement through a variety of metrics, including regular teacher check-ins for students who may need additional guidance. However, we ask families to work with their school to create a routine to keep their child engaged. Teachers will continue posting grades at the same frequency as usual. Please utilize the Parent Portal to monitor your child’s progress. Click here for more information on Parent Portal and contact your child’s school with questions.

While this is not the fourth quarter we envisioned for you, the school year is not over. Teachers will continue to teach. Students will continue to learn. The important work of education will not stop. 

Finally, to the Class of 2020, we’re deeply sorry that you won’t be able to celebrate your prom and graduation with your friends and family. We remain hopeful that should the governor lift the stay-at-home order and public health officials deem it appropriate to gather in large groups this summer, school communities will find a way to celebrate your achievements.  

We appreciate your patience and understanding. We will continue to update you regularly throughout the remainder of the school year. 

Janice K. Jackson, EdD            LaTanya D. McDade        
Chief Executive Officer            Chief Education Officer
Chicago Public Schools            Chicago Public Schools