Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Open House Wednesday 10--14-20


  1. Open House this Wednesday, 10-14-20 from 4-5 p.m. (Google Meet link or dial: (US) +1 413-729-4175 PIN: 562 140 268#) 

  2. Slide Deck for the meeting here.

  3. Video of Mr. A’s presentation if you are unable to attend.

  4. See agenda below:

    1. Ray's Mission and Vision

    2. Introduction of teachers, SECAs, and room parent

    3. Overview of how our current remote learning differs from last spring's remote learning (i.e. attendance and grades)

    4. Remote Learning: Need-to-knows

    5. 7th and 8th mathematics curriculum at Ray:

      1. Scope and sequence

      2. Assessment

      3. SEL

      4. Highlight of student work

    6. Contact Information

    7. Reminder

      1. Subscribe/listen to robocalls

      2. Turn in CPS FAMILY INCOME FORMS (lunch forms): can be emailed to Ms. Sonia svergara@cps.edu

      3. Tutoring opportunities

      4. Pay school fees--$50 (E-Pay is up on Ray website)