Saturday, November 24, 2018

Math week 11-26-18

REMINDER: 8th grade filed trip on Monday, 11-26-18 to Dunbar. We will be back in time for students to eat lunch at Ray.

7th Loyola: Continuing again with slope and intercept. We will be graphing equations in y=mx+b form and writing y=mx+b form equations from graphs.

7th Chicago: Percents discounts an dark-ups. We have a performance task on Thursday determining the best deal on a consumer item that is available at 4 separate stores.

8th DePaul: We start a unit on transformations: translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations. This week we get the vocabulary and begin with translations on the coordinate grid.

8th UIC: We start a unit on transformations: translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations. This week we get the vocabulary and begin with translations on the coordinate grid.