Sunday, March 15, 2020

Math Week 3-16-20

Hello all,

My plan for mathematics learning for the next two weeks is as follows (see the post below for CPS Covid-19 news and information):

1. I will still assign Khan Academy homework. It is optional and I will given extra credit to students who complete the assigned tasks. I will plan to be checking CPS email ( and CPS Google Classroom each weekday between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. to answer questions and give any academic support that I can. Students need to use their CPS emails to contact me. I cannot reply to non-CPS email from students.

7th/8th Grade Homework for week 3-16-20

2. CPS has a resource packet for both 7th and 8th grade. Students are encouraged to complete the assigned tasks and return their results to me via Google Classroom or hard copy upon return. These tasks are optional. I will give extra credit for any complete and accurate work from these packets.

7th Grade Resource Packet

8th Grade resource Packet

3. Khan Mappers is a great place to get practice with math learning at the student readiness level. All students should already have their Khan Mappers set up and ready for skills practice and learning.

4. Two Scholastic Math magazines were sent home 3-16-20. There is an access code to the online versions in Google Classroom.

5. Resources for further learning and practice. This is just a short list of some great places on-line to get math practice and learning.

Open-Up Resources: this is the curriculum we have been using all year. It has a student and parent component. I think parents can also sign up as a "teacher" to access all the handouts and lesson plans.

youcubed: The math folks at Stanford have put together a bunch of great tasks, puzzles, and activities for math learning.

Open Middle: Fantastic math tasks in form of puzzles.

TapintoTeenMinds: Videos and lessons that are highly engaging math about real stuff.

Please stay safe!
--Mr. Albrecht