The Back to School Open House will be Thursday, September 13th from 4:30-5:30 pm
I will be in my room for parents to say hello, get information about mathematics in 7th/8th grade, and ask questions. There will not be formal conferences.
Administrators will be set up at tables to talk with parents on the first floor.
8th grade parents will have a DC trip meeting at 5:30---look for flyers tomorrow for further info.
Parents are welcome to attend the LSC meeting in the cafeteria at 6 pm.
- Ray School
- CPS Daily Health Screener
- ASPEN-Student and Parent portal
- Open-Up math curriculum
- Ms. Nieto-School Counselor and H.S. application support!
- Mx. Kelley-DHH
- Ms. Johnson-Finner-ELA
- Mr. Florell-DL
- Mr. Paranjape: Academic Enrichment
- Ms. Lauritsen-Art
- Ms. Havnoonian-Social Studies
- Mr. Dowd-Science
- Senorita Dent-Spanish
- Ms. Walker-Music
- Ms. Jerris-PE
- CCSS- Basically the outline of what we learn each year in math class
- Math Practice Standards
- Sir Ken Robinson-Changing Education Paradigms
- Hip hop, grit, and academic success: Dr. Bettina Love
- To This Day
- Khan Academy